April 2020

Do You Think You Have Commitment Phobia?

If you consider yourself to be commitment phobic, had you ever considered why or how it has affected you?

Almost everyone has irrational fears (from time to time), it's a normal process of being human. A phobia, on the other hand, is defined as something that gives you intense anxiety to a point where it interferes with your normal life. 

And while being commitment phobic may not seem to influence your daily life, there are indeed underlying ways in which it actually does.

Let's dive into the world of this phobia! You may just learn something interesting (about yourself)!

Why Do Some People Have Commitment Phobia?

There are a number of reasons why someone may have a phobia of commitment. It could because:

  • They've been hurt or betrayed by a partner or someone they loved in the past

  • There's a disconnect between how they feel and how they think they're supposed to feel

  • They're not sure they're able to take care of another person

  • They may fear losing control

  • They may mistake excitement for anxiety or nervousness 

  • They don't want to be let down

How Can You Start Getting Past Your Commitment Phobia?

Admit It

The first step is actually realising that you do, in fact, have a  phobia of commitment. 

Instead of blaming the people you date or other couples, try to look inwards. A little introspection goes a long way.

Change Your Attitude

Another way to try to work through this phobia would be to change your attitude and outlook on dating (and life in general).

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of being in a relationship, try to remind yourself that there are some fantastic elements to it too. 

Stop Spinning

For a moment, instead of chasing new partners, why not sit back for a moment. 

The world is saturated with online dating apps, and by meeting several people that you may or may not call or see again can be exhausting.

Get a Confidence Boost

Try finding a productive hobby like joining the gym or joining a sports team. 

Find your kicks from places that build you up and make you feel confident.

Are You Commitment Phobic?

Now it's time to answer the million dollar question: are you commitment phobic? If you answer 'yes' to one or more of these questions, you may just be.

  • Your past relationships have been very short

  • You often avoid committing to dates that are planned in the future

  • You rarely give your date a definite answer about upcoming plans

  • You use words like: maybe, probably, I might, I might not

  • You're sleeping with multiple people at the same time

  • You rarely have 'the talk' aka the 'defining the relationship' talk 

  • You don't or have never dropped the 'L' word

  • You don't like putting labels on your relationships

At the end of the day, being commitment phobic is a common occurence around the world. It's the way in which you look at it that makes all the difference however.

Perhaps you're living a perfectly happy single life, you're independent, do what you want when you want, and feel as though you don't want or need another person in your life at this moment. And that's completely fine. Actually, it's the reason why we're in business! (check out our stunning Aphrodite escort models here).

Adversely, just like there are pros to being single, there are too pros to committing to someone in a relationship. If you feel as though you'd like to push through the fear, open yourself up to new experiences. 

New experiences give you the chance to become vulnerable, and being vulnerable is actually a good thing. It's a true sign of bravery, strength, and power. 

So, if you're choosing the bachelor/bachelorette life, or you're hoping to work on your phobia and see what's out there, be sure to be kind, upfront, and honest with those you date.

Phobia or no phobia, respect is always mandatory!
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