July 2022

7 Toxic Dating Behaviours That Are a No-Go!

So you’re planning or looking forward to dating one of our most beautiful Aphrodite escorts! Yay, you! We’re excited on your behalf, as we know just how special these young ladies are!

Because we’ve gone through a lengthy three-fold interview process in order to represent these stunning women, we know that there’s something really special about her. The A-Factor, shall we say? 

And while this article is more so focused on toxic behaviour in dating in general, some of these behaviours are applicable when dating an Aphrodite too. Whether this is your first time dating an Aphrodite escort, or it’s not your first rodeo! 

So, we’ve compiled a list of toxic dating behaviours that are, let’s say, less than desirable. Here are seven big no-no’s when it comes to dating.

1. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is one of the most common forms of emotional manipulation, and involves one person to question another’s sanity. 

Examples of gaslighting would be:

  • “That’s not how that happened”

  • “You’re just imagining things”

  • “I never said that”

  • “You’re crazy”

  • “I’m sorry that you think I hurt you”

2. Humiliation

Humiliation is a harsh form of criticism, but can often come across as a seemingly innocent and playful joke. In fact, some see humiliation as a banter and a bit of “fun”, but deep down the comments and remarks actually hurt. 

Examples of humiliation would be:

  • “Are you really going to wear that, you look ridiculous”

  • “Don’t pay them any attention, they don’t know what they’re talking about”

  • “They’re as dumb as a doorknob”

  • “Do you really think you should be eating that?”

3. Isolating

This can happen slowly, but has a huge impact on the one being isolated. This is when one person controls another to a point where they feel disconnected to the ones they love. They could do this by saying that someone is a bad influence on them, or that they make them feel uncomfortable. Eventually, one finds themselves without the support of their family and friends.  

Examples of isolating would be:

  • “You know I don’t like it when you see that person. Why do you want to hurt me?”

  • “I made plans for us that night, are you choosing someone else over me?”

4. Stonewalling

This is a very in-your-face kind of toxic behaviour and is when someone completely shuts down and refuses to communicate aka giving someone the silent treatment. This can cause the receiver of the silent treatment to feel ignored, hurt, frustrated, anxious, and to see themselves as less than.

Examples of stonewalling would be:

  • When you talk to your partner but they persist to completely ignore you or your presence

  • When a partner walks away in the middle of a conversation

  • When a partner refuses to talk to you for a number of days after an argument

5. Threatening

A threat can be given in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Whichever way they’re delivered, they have the capacity for someone to experience fear and doubt. A threat need not be directed at you, but could also target those close to you.

Examples of threatening would be:

  • If you don’t do what I say, I’m going to leave you

  • You wouldn’t want your boss to find out you’ve been calling in fake sick, would you?

  • Don’t mess with me, I’ll leak those photos you sent me in a heartbeat

6. Blame Shifting

This is when someone shifts the blame off of themselves and instead, blames you for their actions. It’s making a person feel guilty for the behaviour of their partner, making them believe that it is their fault.

Examples of blame shifting would be:

“If you didn’t push me so far, I wouldn’t have acted out so aggressively”

“You know I’ve had a bad day, why do you always have to push me to my breaking point?”

7. Forced Dependence

When there is a lack of equality in a partnership, one may rely on another for important things, such as paying the rent, making an income, having food in the fridge, having the ability to go out and have fun with friends independently. When one partner uses this inequality as a means to control their partner, this is forced dependence. 

Examples of forced dependence would be:

  • Not allowing or discouraging a partner to get a job

  • Not giving one enough money to go out with their friends or family

  • Not allowing them to own a car so they’re reliant on them

While this article is quite a bummer, it is the reality for millions who endure this kind of toxicity. We want everyone to feel their best and receive their best, because they’re entirely worth the most amazing, supportive partners, friends, family, and lovers.

Know your worth, and act accordingly, darlings.
Aphrodite Agency