The Aphrodite rates

Vzhledem k jedinečnosti našich dam, naše ceny odpovídají tomu, co obdržíte. Protože se specializujeme na delší schůzky vysoké kvality, jako jsou večeře a noční/víkendové výlety, hodinová sazba s delší dobou trvání výrazně klesá.

Pokud se s Aphrodite chcete setkat mimo její domovské město, je nutné uhradit cestovní náklady, které budou vypočteny individuálně v závislosti na vzdálenosti a způsobu dopravy. V oblasti plánování cest jsme efektivní a jsme schopni splnit téměř jakékoliv speciální přání.

Gold rates

Hourly rates*

Two short, but sweet hours

€ 1.100

Three blissful hours of private time

€ 1.400

Four magical hours of private time

€ 1.600

For every additional hour

€ 300

* Dates up to four hours are required to be enjoyed locally.

Dinner dates**

Four-hour dinner date (including a two-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion)

€ 1.400

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) in the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.700

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) outside of the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.900

** A minimum 6-hour date is requested for Aphrodite's to travel outside of their own city.

Overnight stays

Short overnight date, (approx. 10-12 hours) starting at the star-gazing hour of 21:00 or later ***

€ 2.200

Long overnight date, (approx. 16-18 hours) whereby your Aphrodite will join you in the afternoon or early evening

€ 2.500

24 hours of indulgence, forget about time for a day

€ 2.900

48 hours in paradise, a mini-vacation

€ 4.900

*** Overnight dates starting before 21'00 are considered a long overnight date. All overnight dates should include dinner.

*** Short overnight fees are subject to dates in your chosen Aphrodite's hometown. All overnight dates abroad will incur a long overnight fee.

*** Overnight dates starting before 16'00 are considered a 24 hour date.

***All bookings, including two overnights, are subject to a 48-hour fee.

Additional info

Every additional overnight, the fun is never-ending

€ 1.700

Platinum rates

Hourly rates*

Two short, but sweet hours

€ 1.250

Three blissful hours of private time

€ 1.550

Four magical hours of private time

€ 1.750

For every additional hour

€ 450

* Dates up to four hours are required to be enjoyed locally.

Dinner dates**

Four-hour dinner date (including a two-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion)

€ 1.550

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) in the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.850

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) outside of the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 2.050

** A minimum 6-hour date is requested for Aphrodite's to travel outside of their own city.

Overnight stays

Short overnight date, (approx. 10-12 hours) starting at the star-gazing hour of 21:00 or later ***

€ 2.500

Long overnight date, (approx. 16-18 hours) whereby your Aphrodite will join you in the afternoon or early evening

€ 2.800

24 hours of indulgence, forget about time for a day

€ 3.200

48 hours in paradise, a mini-vacation

€ 5.200

*** Overnight dates starting before 21'00 are considered a long overnight date. All overnight dates should include dinner.

*** Short overnight fees are subject to dates in your chosen Aphrodite's hometown. All overnight dates abroad will incur a long overnight fee.

*** Overnight dates starting before 16'00 are considered a 24 hour date.

***All bookings, including two overnights, are subject to a 48-hour fee.

Additional info

Every additional overnight, the fun is never-ending

€ 2.000

Don't let travel expenses spoil the fun

Schůzky v délce 2-3 hodin jsou vyhrazeny pro dámy, které žijí v oblasti, kterou navštívíte. V takovém případě obvykle žádné cestovní náklady nevznikají.

Pokud se s dámou chcete setkat někde mimo její domovské město, většina Aphrodit je ochotna cestovat (vlakem nebo letecky), když je pozvete alespoň na šestihodinovou večeři nebo na schůzku s přespáním. V takovém případě nejsou cestovní náklady zahrnuty ve výše uvedených cenách a závisí na způsobu dopravy a zvoleném místě. Obvykle se pohybují okolo 200 až 450 EUR.

Jsme velmi efektivní a velmi zkušení plánovači cest. Zašlete nám prosím svůj požadavek a my se vám ozveme zpět do 24 hodin (kromě víkendů).

Aphrodite Agency